Saturday, July 23, 2005

Next Version of Windows called Vista

So, the next version of Windows will be called Vista. It's not a bad name, but it doesn't excite me as much as Longhorn did. I quite liked the Longhorn name. Okay, there's an obvious double entendre, but aside from that it made me think of the ewoks from Return of the Jedi - if memory serves I think they had their own hunting horns, you know, the ones made from cow horns. I used to have one of those.

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Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Police Stole My Didgeridoo

We've just been watching the Channel 4 News, a great source for depressing stories about what's wrong with the World today. Today's news is the G8 Summit at the Gleneagles Hotel, and we've just seen one distressed protestor cry "The Police stole my didgeridoo!" The G8 Summit has already been marred by some violent scenes, with Police having to be deployed from Chinook helicopters to fend off the protestors crossing fields. After all that has been done by live8, let's hope that the Summit isn't marred by the few that think violence is an acceptable way to further their cause. It never is.

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Saturday, July 02, 2005

Bob Geldof is a Legend

There is no doubt that Bob Geldof is a legend. It is amazing how this guy has the energy and enthusiasm to bring about things such as Live 8. Hats off to him. I often wonder how Sir Bob keeps going. Back in my student days I was into environmentalism and Fair Trade, and I still look for fair trade products such as Cafe Direct coffee in the supermarkets, and I'll make contributions to Comic Relief (and there's another legend who seems to have boundless energy, Lenny Henry. However, my radical student days are well behind me now, and I think I've been worn down chiefly by economic reality, and having to sacrifice some of my idealism in order to make a living.

Obviously global economics is the key issue behind something like Live 8. It's a good job we have someone as radical as Sir Bob Geldof in order to lead popular opinion on this matter, because there is a very powerful cause behind much of the world's poverty, and that is the endless quest for profits. Most of us are familiar with the modern day obsession with profit, because it dictates to us how we live our lives. Modern day life seems to be all about how much you can sell and how much profit you can make. Look what's happening to the Rainforests. The contractors thoughts must go like this, "Hey, I can cut down some trees and make some money." Then it's a case of, "Hey, I can cut down even more trees, and make even more money." Profit or economic necessity dictates that all the trees get cut down, environmental issues don't really get a look in. Personally, I look forward to a time when profit does not dictate all of human action.

Pink Floyd have just finished their performance (they've still got it). Sir Paul McCartney is wrapping up proceedings.

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Robbie Williams at Live 8

Robbie said it was great to be back in England for the Live 8 concert. Introduced by David Beckham, Robbie completed his trademark high energy performance, donning a cravat and three quarter length coat.

Earlier in the day, Robbie had propositioned Ferne Cotton when she was interviewing him, saying "I'm single and live in LA, I hear you're newly single, we should get together." Ferne seemed rather concerned that this was being said on live TV.

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